How do I setup a Cisco SPA112 VoIP adaptor?

VoIP Phones

How do I setup a Cisco SPA112 VoIP adaptor?

The Cisco SPA112 can feel and look like a bit of an animal, but actually, the defaults will do everything you need them to do. The only thing you need to do is tell it where to look for so it can authorise you to use your account with us.

You can do all of this through a web-based interface that allows you to configure it. Your first challenge is to find out the IP address for this web interface. Once you have that, you can access it by navigating to http://[ipaddress] where [ipaddress] is the IP assigned to your SPA112. The default username and passwords are "admin" and "admin". Some firmware versions require you to access the same interface using the address http://[ipaddress]/admin/voice. When doing so this way there should be no login prompt by default and a username and password are therefore not required.

If you are unsure of you're IP address we recommend using AdvancedIP Scanner or LanScan to find it first.

Once logged in you need to go to the "Voice" tab and select Line X; where X is the line you wish to configure on this adaptor. Once in this tab, you basically need to enter 3 bits of info; one in two places.

  • Your SIP User Name under "UserID" in the Subscriber Information section: Your SIP username is shown at Dashboard > SIP Users
  • Your SIP Password under "Password" in the Subscriber Information section: Your SIP password is shown at Dashboard > SIP Users
  • Your SIP User Name under "Auth ID" in the Subscriber Information section: Your SIP username is shown at Dashboard > SIP Users
  • Enter "" for the proxy in the Proxy and Registration Section.

Once you've done the above, click "Submit All Changes" and the device will reboot. Once rebooted go to the Voice Tab and then select "Info", scrolling down to the status for the Line you just configured. It should say "Registered" and that means you're all set and ready to make and receive calls via your Cisco SPA112 VoIP Adaptor

NOTE: Do not enter anything in the SIP URI box under the Subscriber Information Section. This is not a SIP URL, it is SIP URI and the two acronyms differ greatly!


If you need any further help today, please don't hesitate to contact our friendly support team on 0330 122 6000 or by email!

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