How can I set up an advanced white label store?


How can I set up an advanced white label store?

The advanced store gives your customers the ability to not only manage their own service, but also to make additional purchases. This means they are able to add users and numbers whenever they need to, and saves you time!



  • Step 1


    To set up a new reseller store, just go to Your Dashboard > Reseller and then My Stores. In here, just select Create Store to get the process started. Select the store type you want to use from the pop-up that appears.



  • Step 2


    You’ll then need to decide on a store name. Once you’ve got the name of the store, just enter your registered company name, phone number, and your VAT number. You’re then able to choose if you want to use a subdomain (In the format of [YourStoreName] or a domain that you own. If you select the latter, you’ll see the various DNS records that you’ll need to set to point the domain at your store.



  • Step 3


    Once created, you will be able to personalise the store, including the colour scheme and logos! To open the store editor, you'll just need to click on the paintbrush icon underneath your store.



    This will then take you through to a page where you’ll be able to personalise the primary and secondary colours, button colours, button styles and a selection of colours and fonts. You are also able to add your company phone number, as well as your working hours. 



    You also have the ability to customise and edit your store via this page! You can change the banner text, enable or disable the number search bar, change the name and text for all of your plans! You can also upload custom images to go alongside too! You can also toggle the ability to show/hide the available services option. You’ll also see a toggle where you can format the layout of the page, moving particular parts up/down on the page.



  • Step 4


    To head to the page where you can makes changes to the pricing, you simply need to click onto the blue cog icon, on the top right hand side of the page. This will take you through to the VoIP Rates section, where you’ll be able to set how much you’re going to charge your customers, which will be reflected across the site. We offer you the chance to use ‘Banded Pricing’ - where the more users your customers have the cheaper each individual user becomes. You can set the charge for Standard and Memorable numbers as well as number porting costs too!



  • Step 5


    The “Billing” Tab is where you can decide to handle the payments yourself. You can take a more detailed look at the billing process for Reseller Stores on our FAQ here.



  • Step 6


    Site Settings - This is where you can edit and change the store and subdomain or domain that you’re using the site.



If you need any further help today, please don't hesitate to contact our friendly support team on 0330 122 6000 or by email!

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